@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Licorice&display=swap')
Book A Call

Overwhelmed and exhausted by trying to do it all?   

 It doesn't have to be like that. Let me take some of the "annoying" tech off your hands. You can focus on what really matters and be ready to launch in no time at all.

Let's Get Started

Newsletter TemplateĀ Set Up & Design

Do you need a professionally designed newsletter that not only delivers but makes an impact?

You know the importance of nurturing your email list and engaging with your clients but you just don't have time to do it all.Ā I can help.

I can design your newsletter template so that once it has been createdĀ all you need to do is fill in the gaps each time. Effortless!

Cost | Ā£125

Book Your Template Set Up

Blog Migration

Migrating across to Kajabi but can't just quite get there? 

Migrating your blogs over from another platform such as Wordpress can be a time consuming but nevertheless, important task. Often delaying fully migrating across to Kajabi.

Let me take this off your hands. I will set up a beautiful and customized blog page as well as migrating across up to 10 blogs.

Cost | £249

Book Your Blog Migration

Waitlist Page Set Up & Design 

Nearing the launch of your course or membership? Want to give your audience a place to sign up so they can learn more?

A good way of doing this is by way of a waitlist. I can set up a fully customized waitlist page that will allow your audience to be notified when enrollments open for the program ensuring that you never miss out on potential leads.

Cost | £159

Book Your Waitlist Set Up

Custom Checkout Design

Want to give your checkout page the wow factor?Ā 

Let me enhance your checkout page with some custom code that will make it stand out!

Package includes:

  • Customized font
  • Checkout background in your brand colours
  • Credit card icons & trust seals
  • Border for your order bump and testimonials in your brand colours

Cost |Ā Ā£79

Book Your Custom Checkout

Ready To Get Started?

If you're ready to ditch the overwhelm, reclaim your life and get your course or funnel "out there", then jump on a discovery call with me to find out more!

Book A Call